
Orange Marmalade Recipe

Ingredients :
(for 4 ½ Kg)
1 ½ kg. orange
2 lemons (juice or juice)
2 ¾ kg. sugar
14 cups of water

While oranges are washed and dried, removing the peel peel into strips and leaving thin white skin. The shell is cut into julienne (thin strips) and separated.

Oranges were cut in half and were squeezed the juice or juice and seeds deviate. With a sharp knife cut white skin, is minced and wrapped in cheesecloth along with seeds.

The pulp is cut into small pieces and placed in a copper pan preferably thick bottom, starting with the shell and the cheesecloth bag. Strain the juice or orange juice and add to pan along with the wing lemon juice and water.

Put on low heat and when it boils, it simmer two hours or until the peel is tender and content has been reduced to more or less half, removed the cheesecloth bag, add the continuously sugar and stir until dissolved.

He climbs the flame and boil over high heat jam until it is ready, after 15 or 20 minutes, foam immediately and allowed to cool and settle for 30 minutes.

Packaging of jams
The jams are packed away, still warm. This uses glass jars with lids glass or enamel also, never metal.

The jars should be perfectly clean. They can be washed in the dishwasher to maximum temperature, but if we do too much, it is best to boil 10 minutes. The let dry upside down on a clean cloth or paper towel and do not fill until they are completely dry.

As the jam in the original packaging will be hot, the jars should be tempered to prevent breakage. If you break a jar, even a little, will you throw it without trying to leverage content as they can be small crystals.

The cans are filled almost to the top and capped immediately. Like all preserved, will be stored in dark, cool and dry.

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